Between The Culinary Center Professional Cooking Classes and Smoke n Fire this month of Dec. I will have gone over 500 classes in past 5 years and will break the mark of 14,000 students. I have reached over 1800 students this year.
I am humble by these numbers and have also have a EXCELLENT and rewarding year! I also have gottne involved in a very cool progrma called Young Women on the Move in Kansas City Kansas. This is a program for young girls between 11 and 16 years old! That we have a mentoring progrm for them to learn that they can acheive many goals in their life.
We are buidling an educational kitchen for teahcing them how to cook on their own, survive on their own and just have some fun. This is a great program and we will also be doing an Urban Gardne this spring and summer. Please check it out at:
You will be moved by the video!
Thank you ALL for your support and kind words and comments as always.
I am looking forward to the New Year, new Classes. Smoking Cookbook on is haing a record December and a record year for sales. Been to #1 seven times! WOW, thanks to everyone!
Have a great holiday!
Chef Richard