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MBQI @ The Culinary Center of Kansas City
Assorted Cooking Classes: Professional Cooking, Grilling, Smoking and Assorted Hands- on classes!

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2010 year in Review: Looking Back

As I sit here and look back on the year 2010, I realize how much was achieved this year both personally and professionally. Although I did not get out and compete as much as I would have like to, health and work playing most of the part, I realize how lucky I was to see some old friends and Great BBQ people!!

At the Royal this year we did not compete, but instead, teamed with Laura from the CCKC, and MBQI and formed a Smokin Schoolhouse for the weekend and elected to do classes and host a VIP party for special friends of the Culinary Center. Chef Matt for CCKC joined us also for his first BBQ contest. We had students entered in the contest and worked the whole weekend, learning about the in's and outs of competing. they did an Outstanding job and learned a lot.

Thank you to ALL the teams that invited the students by and talked with them and those of you who stopped by to chat and introduce yourself. It was an extremely successful event and weekend for the MBQI. Specials thanks to Smokin Guns, Fast Eddy's, Dr. BBQ, Andy from Smoke on Wheels, Todd from Plowboys and Neal & Chris from Dodge County for meeting with some of the students.

From a BBQ Spirit teaching and paying it forward I was bless with a GREAT year of classes to day, I was able to do over 65 classes at CCKC or Smoke n' Fire. Reaching out once again to over 1000 students doing 4 different smoking classes and 12 different grilling classes, half of them being Hands on! We added NEW grilling classes to our agenda this year that featured different flavors on the grill highlighting flavors of Tuscany, Latin and Southern Comfort foods. We had some GREAT students and are humbled by all the people who sign up for the classes.

My smoking book BACKYARD BBQ The Art of Smokology™ continues to be on the Best Seller list of for the past 4 years now, staying in the Top 15 for most of the year. New Grilling book is doing really well in the KC area and has become the "bible" of my classes.

I have also managed to do the Pro Series Cooking classes on Wednesday night and love the time in class with people who just want to learn to cook better at home. These classes are a blast and make my week fun!

To date, I have now taught over 500 classes and have reached over 11,000 students. Thank you to everyone who comes to learn, enjoy and past on the tips and techniques. I salute all of you for allowing me to "pay it forward" in something I totally love.

I look forward to meeting the new students of the upcoming classes and to getting new grilling classes listed for next year. I also want to thank Laura O'Rourke (Culinary Center of Kansas City and Jim& Joan Cattey of Smoke n Fire in Overland Park for not only given me the opportunity to teach in their very special palces, but are also very good friends and share in the same love of food I have. Without you guys, it would not have happen!!

Thanks a million to ALL of you!

Chef Richard


General Guidelines for Grilling Steaks

1.       Make sure the grill is fully preheated and hot before using. Grates should be about 4 inches above the    heat source. Meat should sizzle immediately when placed on the grates.

 2.      Brush the grill grates thoroughly with a stiff grill brush before cooking.

 3.       Wipe the grill lightly with a cloth dampened in grape or olive oil to prevent to food from sticking.

 4.      Thicker cuts of meat are generally started on the hotter part of the grill to cook quickly, then moved to     the cooler part of the grill, if the outside begins to burn before the meat is cooked to the desired     temperature.

 5.      Thinner cuts of meat are cooked quickly on the hottest part of the grill so the hot grill grates will put    defined char marks on the surface of the meat in the short time it is on the grill.

 6.      Allow meat to "air out" at least 1 hour before cooking.

 7.      The following is the correct method for cooking meat which will result in a properly cooked, well marked   steak.

  a. Place steak on the grill so that an imaginary line drawn down the length of it points from 10  o'clock to 4 o'clock.

b. After the meat is cooked about 1 quarter of the way, turn it so the imaginary line now points  from 2 o'clock to 8 o'clock.

c. When the meat is cooked halfway, flip the steak over so the uncooked side is in contact with  the grill and the imaginary line is again pointing from 10 o'clock to 4 o'clock.

d. Finish the meat by again pointing the imaginary line from 2 o'clock to 8 o'clock.

 The above procedure will result in a very attractive diamond pattern of char marks on both sides.

 8.      The following is a guideline used to cook the different degrees of "doneness," using a medium-high heat    (2-3 second hand-held rule), based on a Filet thickness of 2 inches and Strip thickness of 1 to 1-½    inches.

  a. RARE - Cool, bloody, red center (Filet, 3-4 minutes per side. Strip, 2-3 minutes per side.)

                b. MEDIUM RARE - Warm, bloody, red center (Filet, 4-5 minutes per side. Strip 3-4 minutes per  side.)

                c. MEDIUM - Center, 1/3 of meat still red. (Filet, 6-7 minutes per side. Strip 5-6 minutes per  side.)

          d. MEDIUM WELL - Trace of pink remains in center. (Filet, 8-9 minutes per side. Strip 7-8  minutes per side.)

                e. WELL - No pink remaining. (Filet, 10-12 minutes per side. Strip 9-10 minutes per side.)

 9.      Never put weights on top of grilling meat or press down on it heavily. This forces out all the juices and    flavor from the meat.

 Never use a fork to turn your steak. Piercing the meat allows the juices to run out.

Happy Grilling!

Chef Richard

"Where Backyard Spice Meets Life!'™