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Entries in BBBQ Sauces (1)



Double “J” Barbecue Sauce 

2 quarts

 6 cups  Ketchup

1/2 cup            Brown Sugar, golden

3/4 cup            Corn Syrup, light

1/2 cup            Honey

1/4 cup            Molasses

1/2 cup            Yellow Mustard, pourable

1/3 cup            White Vinegar

1/3 cup            Onion Juice

1/4 cup            Worcestershire Sauce

3 TB.    Lemon Juice, fresh

2 TB.    Maggi® Seasoning

2 TB.    Mild Rub

1 tsp.    Celery Seed

1 tsp.    Liquid Smoke®

2 tsp.    Kitchen Bouquet®

1 tsp.    Black Pepper, ground

Special note:

Maggi Seasoning and Kitchen Bouquet can be found in most grocery stores in the steak sauce and BBQ sauce aisle.

This sauce was named for my two kids: Jessica & Jonathan. Who helped develop this sauce when they were young BBQ eaters!


Combine all the ingredients and blend well. Bring to a full boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 1 to 1 1/2 hours or until slightly thickened. Remove from the heat and hold for service or cool completely and store in the refrigerator until needed.


Approximated Preparation Time: 2 hours