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Professional Cooking & BBQ Classes


MBQI @ The Culinary Center of Kansas City
Assorted Cooking Classes: Professional Cooking, Grilling, Smoking and Assorted Hands- on classes!

Smoke 'n' Fire Classes

Basic Grilling and Smoking Classes,  "Live" Mini Demos on Grilling on Saturday's

(Tools, Tips & Techniques)

The Rib Stars Blog - Award Winning Recipes, Tips and More...



It is Here again: Here are ALL the details on the Smokefest in Downtown, Overland Park. April 30th (Saturday) Hope to see you all there.

Chef Richard

We're kicking off National BBQ Month with our

Second Annual

"Festival of Smoke"

Saturday - April 30, 2011

8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

A full-day festival of superlative smoking & glorious grilling education (hey, that’s our job right?) for the Backyard BBQ’r to the Competition BBQ Hound.


The Culinary Center of Kansas City's

Midwest BBQ Institute

Offering serious educational curriculum dedicated to the art and science of grilling and smoking.

Festival Highlights:

“CCKC PIG-OFF” - A culinary “throw-down”where our own Culinary Center Chefs show offtheir butts (pork butts that is!) and you get to vote for the best butt. 

FREE Culinary Demonstrations throughout the day

Tastings of Butts

Live Bluegrass Music all day

Chef-Prepared BBQ Dishes
Available for Purchase
(also lots of other fresh & frozen dishes) 

“Make Your Own Rub”
Interactive Station

Boasting, Tomfoolery
& Raucous BBQ Debate

Kansas City BBQ Society Info Booth

Great American BBQ Competition
Info & Sign Up Booth

 "The Smokin' Schoolhouse Cafe & Bar" featuring fabulous chef-prepared and BBQ-inspired lunch options, desserts and "BBQ Bloody Mary's" (that's what I'm talkin' 'bout)

"Ask-a-Chef" Station

Drawings & Give-Aways of Valuable (and not-so-valuable) Prizes

Share Our Strength's "Great American Bakesale" with proceeds to assist in reducing childhood hunger - staffed by our very own Junior Chefs Academy member


Bring the family and come play with us today.

We promise you’ll learn something new!

Psst! The Overland Park Farmers' Market is open 7:30 a.m. to sellout on Saturdays!

©2010 The Culinary Center of Kansas City™





Hey, come out to Smoke N Fire on Saturday's. We will be doing "live" demos and "ask the Chef days! Chef Richard & Chef Silverio will be on hand most Saturday's & Sunday's to answer your smoking, grilling or just cooking questions.

Have a question on your grill, seasonings, tools or tips come on out and see what is going on.

Also, always some tasty things to try, like dips, grilling food and new food products.

Be there this Saturday, so stop on out, it has been a BIG success for the customer's and lots of tips giving out.

See you there!

Chef Richard